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The Wasatch County Democratic Party has many ways to take advantage of your unique talents. We have a number of standing and temporary committees that can always use volunteers. Please indicate in the form below which committees are of most interest to you.

Standing Committees (Prescribed in By-Laws)
- Rules and Elections
- Financial and Fundraising (Chair: Terri Goodall)
- Candidate Recruitment and Campaign Coordinating
- Membership and Credentials
Temporary Committees
- Platform
◦ County Platform (Chair: Mike Richardson, Volunteer: Mike Dorsey
◦ Campaign Issues
- Public Relations
◦ General Relations
◦ Website (Chair: Lisa Teifke, Volunteer: Pat Kohler)
◦ Facebook (Chair: Terri Goodall, Volunteer: Pat Kohler)
- Voter Registration (Chair: Mike Richardson, Volunteer: Pat Kohler)
- Get Out the Vote
- Education, Training, and Outreach
- Precinct Officer and Delegate Recruitment (Co-chairs: Barbara Smith and Jerry Duke, Volunteer: Michael Dorsey)
Rudi Kohler
275 Pole Drive, Heber City, UT 84032
Wasatch County Democrats on Facebook
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