Wasatch County Democratic Party
Mission Statement:
The Wasatch County Democratic Party promotes and supports effective implementation of good local government based on the principles of the Democratic Party. Our primary goal is to sustain or improve the quality of life of all residents in our County. While we subscribe to the issues and principles set forth by the Utah and National Democratic Party platforms, we also subscribe to a unique set of positions that are local to Wasatch County.

Rudi Kohler has served as the chair of the Wasatch County Democratic party since 2006. He holds a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University... [more]
Rudi Kohler, County Chair
Wasatch County Democratic Party
We are the Democrats, the party of the people, the party of good government.
We cherish the American heritage of opportunity and inclusion. We pledge ourselves to upholding liberty and justice for all. We believe good government serves and protects us all by cooperative efforts both at home and abroad. We believe it is our duty to pass a better world to future generations.
We are dedicated to:
Equal rights for all
- Wasatch: www.co.wasatch.ut.us/
- Heber City: http://ci.heber.ut.us/
- Midway: www.midwaycityut.org/
- Daniel: http://danielutah.org/
- Charleston: www.charlestonutah.org/
- Hideout: www.hideoututah.gov/
Voter Registration Project!
Rudi Kohler
275 Pole Drive, Heber City, UT 84032
Wasatch County Democrats on Facebook