Constitution & By-laws of the Wasatch County Democratic Party
WE THE PEOPLE, of the Wasatch County Democratic Party, in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah and the Constitution and By-laws of the Utah State Democratic Party, in order to promote Democratic Party ideals and candidates, ensure wide participation and free debate, provide for organizational and procedural rules for conducting our business, and to secure to ourselves and our posterity the benefits of liberty, do hereby adopt and establish this Constitution and these By-laws for the Wasatch County Democratic Party.
SECTION 1. Membership Inclusiveness
The body politic of the Wasatch County Democratic Party shall consist of all registered Democrats resident in Wasatch County and all other interested Wasatch County residents who participate in Party activities and wish to be deemed members of the said Party. No test for membership in, or any oath of loyalty to, the County Party shall be required or used at any time for any purpose. There shall be no discrimination in any official activity or procedure, or any public meeting of the County Party based on race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, philosophical persuasion or physical disability (hereinafter collectively referred to as “status”). Status shall not be considered in determining legal or practical qualifications for officers of the County Party. The County Party on all levels shall support the broadest possible registration without discrimination based on status.
SECTION 2. Public Meetings
The time and place for all public meetings of the Wasatch County Democratic Party on all levels shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all, and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.
SECTION 3. Publication of Procedures and Qualifications
The Wasatch County Democratic Party shall publicize fully in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and practical procedures for selection of officers, and legal and practical qualifications for officers on all levels. Publication of these procedures and qualifications shall be done in such fashion that all prospective and current members of the Wasatch County Democratic Party will be fully and adequately informed of the procedures and qualifications in time to participate in each selection procedure at all levels of the party organization.
SECTION 1. Central Committee Representation
All County level legislative and rule-making powers herein granted, except those granted to the County Conventions on the days that they meet, shall be vested in a Wasatch County Democratic Central Committee, which shall be composed of the Executive Committee, the Chairs and Vice-chairs of each Precinct, and the County Parliamentarian. County level elected officials who are Democrats shall also be entitled to sit on the Central Committee with full voting rights during their term of office. Should Precinct Chairs or Vice-chairs be elected officials, they shall serve their term by virtue of their Precinct office and not their elected office. The County Chair shall be Chair of the Central Committee.
SECTION 2. Central Committee Representation
Precinct Chairs and Vice-chairs shall be chosen each even numbered year in each Precinct caucus by those persons in attendance whose eligibility to participate shall be determined as in Article Four, Section 1, herein. They shall serve on the Central Committee for two years following this election. Members of the Executive Committee shall be chosen each odd numbered year at the County organizing convention, by Delegates, including Precinct Chairs and Vice-chairs, who have been chosen the previous year by persons attending the Precinct Caucuses, and shall serve on the Central Committee for two years following this election. The County Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the County Chair with the advice and consent of the Central Committee and shall serve for two years following nomination and approval.
SECTION 3. Central Committee Meetings
The Central Committee shall call itself into session as needed to conduct the affairs of the County Party and to consider and decide upon all matters properly brought before it in accordance with this Constitution. However, it shall meet no less than four times per calendar year, not including the prescribed meetings before conventions. The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for these meetings and any member of the Central Committee may put an item on the agenda which may only be removed by a majority vote. All decisions rendered by the Central Committee are final and may not be altered by the Executive Committee. Twice each year the members of the Central Committee shall formulate and report to the Executive Committee, views on issues concerning County constituents which they have considered and discussed in meetings.
SECTION 4. Central Committee Vacancies
The Central Committee shall advise and consent on all nominations for vacancies in the Central Committee, the County Delegation, and the Executive Committee, except as it shall provide for the Executive Committee to make replacements in emergencies. Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall only be filled in this manner if the succession arrangements outlined in Article Three of this document are not or cannot be fulfilled. Vacancies in the State Delegation shall be filled, in the order in which they were nominated, from the alternates elected at the County Convention. If those names are not sufficient to fill the delegation, the Central Committee shall fill the vacancies at the special meeting held before the County Convention. However, in an emergency, the Executive Committee may fill the vacancies, as provided elsewhere.
SECTION 5. Central Committee Impeachment
The Central Committee may as required, impeach its own members or members of the Executive Committee for serious dereliction of duty by two-thirds vote. Two weeks following impeachment, the Central Committee shall hold a trial of the accused at which the Parliamentarian shall preside. The accused shall have the right of defense and shall not be removed from office except by a two-thirds vote of those present. For this purpose only, a quorum shall consist of fifty percent of the Committee members. The Central Committee shall cause a vacancy created by impeachment to be filled within one month after it is vacated or the original holder shall resume office. Following impeachment, the Central Committee shall follow provisions for succession of officers as provided for in Article Three herein if applicable or possible. Otherwise, the Chair or his/her successor shall nominate, with the advice and consent of the Central Committee, a person to fill the vacancy.
SECTION 1. Executive Committee Composition
All County level executive powers herein granted shall be vested in a Wasatch County Democratic Party Executive Committee which shall be composed of a Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. All past Chairs may be non-voting members of the Executive Committee to serve as a reservoir of knowledge and experience. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the details of the day-to-day functioning of the Party. The Parliamentarian shall be a non-voting member of this Committee, but shall be a voting member of the Central Committee.
SECTION 2. Executive Committee Elections
The Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be chosen each odd-numbered year at the County Organizing Convention, by Delegates, including Precinct Chairs and Vice-chairs, chosen the previous year at each Precinct Caucus, and shall serve for two years following this election. Only Delegates, including Precinct Chairs and Vice-chairs, may vote in this election. These officers may be re-elected to the offices they hold, but shall be limited to four consecutive terms. The Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the County Chair with the advice and consent of the Central Committee and shall serve for two years following appointment and approval. The Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve on the State Central Committee during their terms of office as members of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 3. County Chair Responsibilities
The County Chair shall provide leadership for the County Party. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee and at all County Conventions, except that at the Organizing Convention the Parliamentarian shall conduct the actual election procedures for the members of the new Executive Committee. The Chair shall be invested with the power and responsibility to implement the decisions of the said Committees and Conventions. Should the Chair be a candidate for County office contested within the party, the Vice-chair shall preside at the nominating Convention. Should the Vice-chair also be a candidate opposed in this manner, the Chair shall nominate a Chair pro tem to be approved by the Central Committee at the meeting prior to the Convention. This person shall serve as Chair only at the nominating Convention.
SECTION 4. County Chair Responsibilities
The County Chair shall name the Chairs and members of all standing and temporary Committees, except those already specifically designated in this Constitution, and may serve ex officio on all committees. He/she shall, with the advice and consent of the Central Committee, nominate persons to fill vacancies in the offices of State or County Delegates, the Central Committee, and in the Executive Committee if succession arrangements outlined in this article for the Executive Committee cannot be fulfilled. He/she shall be invested with power to call at his/her discretion special meetings and make summary decisions to meet unexpected emergency contingencies. Decisions made in these circumstances shall be ratified by the Central Committee at their first meeting following the event.
SECTION 5. County Vice-Chair Responsibilities
The County Vice-chair shall serve as Chair of the Rules and Elections Committee and may serve ex officio on any standing or temporary committee. He/she shall assist the Chair and Secretary with their prescribed duties as requested and shall act in the Chair’s absence at all official functions except as otherwise provided, and in the event of the Chair’s resignation or inability to continue in office, shall serve as Interim Chair until the next Organizing Convention.
SECTION 6. County Secretary Responsibilities
The County Secretary may serve ex officio on any standing or temporary committee. He/she shall assist the Chair and Vice-chair with their prescribed duties as requested, and in the event of the Vice-chair’s resignation or inability to continue in office, shall serve as Interim Vice-chair until the next Organizing Convention.
SECTION 7. County Secretary Responsibilities
The County Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept if unable to attend a particular meeting, attendance rolls and minutes of all County Party meetings, and as the Recorder and Historian for the County Party, shall maintain the official Party files, with the exception of financial files, including attendance records, minutes, records of all written correspondence, including e-mail, and reports to and by officers and chairs of committees. These records may be kept electronically with at least one backup copy on CD or DVD and one archived paper copy. Central Committee members and others who have a legitimate need may, upon reasonable notice, request printed copies or e-mails of material relevant to their needs.
SECTION 8. County Secretary Responsibilities
The County Secretary shall also, with the help of the Membership and Credentials Committee which he/she shall Chair, compile, periodically update, and maintain, preferably electronically, a list of all registered Democrats in Wasatch County, officers of Wasatch County Precincts, County Council Districts and Legislative and State Senatorial Districts which fall within the County, and a list of all County Central Committee members. These lists shall contain Precinct and District maps, addresses, telephone numbers, and where possible, e-mail addresses, by Precinct and District, and shall be available through e-mail or print-outs to those with a legitimate need. The Secretary may, where appropriate and necessary, enlist the help of the Vice-chair, Parliamentarian or other competent persons in the performance of any of the aforementioned duties
SECTION 9. County Treasurer Responsibilities
The County Party Treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Party, and as Chair of the Financial and Fund Raising Committee. He/she shall have fiduciary and accounting responsibility for all funds of the County Party and shall keep the financial records of the Party, including all income detailed as to amount, date, and name and address of contributor, except that received anonymously as Dollars for Democrats, and all expenditures detailed as to amount, vendor, and reason for expenditure, and shall report to the Lt. Governor such details of income and expenditure as required by Utah State Law. He/she, with the approval of the County Chair, shall be responsible for keeping and reconciling the County Party’s checkbooks, and depositing income to the appropriate accounts. All checks drawn on any Party account shall require the signatures of both the County Chair and Treasurer.
SECTION 10. County Parliamentarian Responsibilities
The County Parliamentarian shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee, but a voting member of the Central Committee. He/she shall serve on the Rules and Elections Committee and any other committee concerned with rule changes or constitutional changes, and shall advise all concerned on parliamentary procedures during meetings of the Rules and Elections Committee, Executive Committee, Central Committee, and County Conventions. Robert’s Rules of Order of the latest edition shall be the standard except as consented to by the Central Committee or Executive Committee. He/she shall preside over impeachment trials of any County Party officer, and may be assigned other duties by the County Chair.
SECTION 1. Precinct Organization
Each Precinct shall have a Chair and Vice-chair who shall hold all legislative and executive powers relative to their respective precincts, and shall serve as Delegates to the County Conventions and as members of the County Central Committee. Should Precinct Chairs or Vice-chairs be unable to attend a particular meeting of the Central Committee they may name proxies to represent them. Each Precinct shall also elect two additional Delegates to the County Conventions. If desired, each Precinct may also elect a Secretary-Treasurer. All these officers shall be chosen by all eligible voters in attendance at their respective Precinct Caucuses held each even numbered year. Secret ballots may be used if desired since electors represent only themselves and no other constituency. Eligibility to vote shall be determined only by compliance with Federal and State law and residence within Precinct boundaries, except that participants need not be registered voters at the time of the Caucus. No proxy voting shall be considered, but eligible voters, as determined by Federal and state law and residence in the Precinct, but not necessarily registered, who are not present at the Caucus, may be nominated for any Precinct office including Delegate if they shall have previously informed the presiding incumbent Precinct Chair and a member of the Executive committee by letter or e-mail of their willingness to serve.
SECTION 2. Precinct Chair Responsibilities
Each Precinct Chair shall preside over all meetings of his/her Precinct and shall organize the Precinct to assist Democratic candidates running for office on whatever level. He/she shall make sincere and faithful efforts to know all Democrats in the Precinct, and to meet new voters including those moving into the Precinct and those just coming of voting age, and shall assist in raising funds, promoting the Party and furthering Democratic Party ideals. He/she shall also collect names of those within his/her precinct wishing to be election judges or poll watchers, and shall submit such names to the Central
SECTION 3. Precinct Vice-Chair Responsibilities
Each Precinct Vice-chair shall assist the Precinct Chair in all duties, preside over all meetings of the Precinct in the absence of the Chair, and in the event of the Chairs resignation or inability to continue in office, serve as Interim Chair until the next Caucus. He/she shall also serve as Precinct Secretary-Treasurer if the Precinct chooses not to elect a separate person for this post.
SECTION 4. Precinct Secretary-Treasurer Responsibilities
Each Precinct Secretary-Treasurer shall assist the Chair of the County Financial and Fund Raising Committee. In addition, he/she shall assist the Precinct Chair and Vice-chair in all duties, and shall cause a collection of Dollars for Democrats to be made at each function of the Precinct. He/she shall convey these and all other Precinct funds promptly to the County Party Treasurer. Should Caucuses be held by all Precincts in one place, the County Party Treasurer shall cause the collection of Dollars for Democrats to be made. The Precinct Secretary-Treasurer shall also assist the Precinct Chair with correspondence to or from the Precinct whether by e-mail or postal mail.
SECTION 5. County Delegate Responsibilities
County Delegates shall inform themselves of the qualifications of all local Democratic candidates whether for Party office or for County elected office, and shall attend all County Conventions and vote in all appropriate elections. They shall notify the Executive Committee if unable to attend a particular County Convention, in order that the County Chair may make an emergency substitution for that particular Convention. Delegates may be replaced for their entire elected term if they unjustifiably fail to attend a County Convention.
SECTION 1. Precinct Caucus Function
A Precinct Caucus shall be held in each Precinct each even numbered year on the date set by the Utah State Democratic Party, for the purpose of electing Precinct officers and County Delegates. Caucuses may be hosted by incumbent Precinct Chairs in their homes or other places, or they may be held together in one place with each Precinct meeting separately for nomination and voting around tables provided by the Executive Committee. Precinct Chairs and the Executive Committee shall make all reasonable efforts to attract Democrats to the meetings, especially newly registered voters and former attendees and urge their participation. Meeting places and notices of time and place for Caucuses must meet the requirements set forth in Article One herein. In order to eliminate any possibility of conflict of interest, when Caucuses are held separately in each Precinct, no candidate for County office contested within the Party shall host a Caucus.
SECTION 2. Precinct Caucus Procedures
Each participant at the Caucus shall sign in with the incumbent Precinct Chair if Caucuses are held separately or with a representative of the Executive Committee if held in one place together.
In each case, clear Precinct maps shall be available to help determine voter eligibility. Individuals in order to nominate, be nominated, or vote must meet the requirements set forth in Article Four, herein.
SECTION 3. Precinct Caucus Meetings
Caucuses shall normally begin at 7:00 p.m., and following a reading of the Caucus Call and any messages from the County, State or National Democratic Parties, and any desired and appropriate discussion of candidates or issues, the presiding officer shall open the meeting for nominations by any eligible voter present. Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply. Offices to be filled shall be: Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice-chair, Precinct Secretary-Treasurer if desired, and two County Delegates. The incumbent Precinct Chair or Vice-chair shall provide ballots and a means for posting names of candidates as nominated. Balloting shall begin immediately after nominations cease, and polls shall be held open until 8:00 p.m. Until that time no qualified elector of the Precinct shall be denied the right to vote. Secret ballots may be used since electors represent only themselves and no other constituency, but this is not absolutely necessary. Results shall be posted as soon as the ballots are counted. Any complaints or challenges to the resulting vote must be presented to the Rules and Elections Committee or Executive Committee as detailed in Article Eight, Section 2, herein.
SECTION 4. Precinct Officer Vacancies
If a Precinct fails to hold a Caucus, or fails to fill all the required offices, or if a Precinct office becomes legally vacant under the rules of this document, the Central Committee shall then fill the office or offices, preferably from the Precinct Chair’s list of those who attended the Caucus, or if that is not possible from persons wishing to fill a vacancy who have presented written or e-mail notice to the Executive Committee of their willingness to serve. Should a Precinct Chair still be unfilled, then the County Chair, invoking his emergency powers, shall appoint a qualified elector from the Precinct without recourse to the Central Committee, provided that body approves his/her action at their next meeting.
SECTION 1. County Organizing Convention Notification
The County Party Organizing Convention shall be held in each odd-numbered year on the date and in the place prescribed by the incumbent County Executive Committee, who shall issue a formal written Convention Call through postal mail to all County and State Delegates and to such other Democrats as shall seem appropriate through postal mail or e-mail. Notice of time and place and applicable procedures and qualifications for elections shall conform to the requirements set forth in Article One, Sections 2. and 3. herein.
SECTION 2. County Organizing Convention Function and Procedures
This Convention shall elect the members of the new County Executive Committee, except the Parliamentarian, and such individuals shall be representatives to the Utah State Democratic Central Committee. The incumbent Parliamentarian shall chair the election segment of this Convention. Members of the new Executive Committee shall be chosen by those Delegates elected the previous year at the Precinct Caucuses as detailed in Article Three, Section 2., herein. There shall be four Delegates from each Precinct: the Chair and Vice-chair of each Precinct who are automatic Delegates, and two additional elected Delegates. Only these individuals shall nominate, second, or vote in this election. A meeting of the Central Committee shall be held sometime during the week prior to the Convention for the purpose of filling any vacancies in Precinct Chairs or Vice-chairs or in the offices of Delegates, as provided in Article Three, Section 4, and Article Two, Section 4. herein. Candidates for the Executive Committee shall be registered Democrats or shall signify their intent to become such in writing to the Chair of the County Rules and Elections Committee prior to the actual election at the Convention.
SECTION 3. Nominating and balloting procedures
Robert’s Rules of Order of the latest edition shall govern the nomination and election procedures of this Convention except as otherwise provided. Persons nominating or seconding may, if desired, give very brief comments in support of those nominated. Persons nominated may also give brief comments. Names of those nominated and seconded for each office shall be placed by the Rules and Elections Committee Vice Chair on a suitable presentation board visible to all electors. Candidates for each office shall be nominated, seconded, and elected separately, so that candidates may run for more than one office. Consonant with the ideal of a free and open society, there shall be no secret balloting. Paper ballots, if used, must be signed by the delegate casting the ballot, and must be available for inspection for forty-eight hours following tabulation and announcement of balloting results.
SECTION 4. County Organizing Convention Activities and Presentations.
At the County Organizing Convention there shall be time set aside at the beginning for such patriotic activities as presentation of the National Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, a keynote address, or such other activities as deemed proper by the County Central Committee; and
either preceding or following the election of the new Executive committee and with an appropriate break between, there shall be time set aside for presentations and speeches to State Delegates by candidates running for State Party offices.
SECTION 5. State Delegate Responsibilities
All State Delegates must notify the Executive Committee or their Precinct Chair of their willingness to attend the State Organizing Convention two weeks prior to such Convention. This notification shall be in writing. The Central Committee shall mail a form to every State Delegate which the Delegate shall return with notification. Such form shall be mailed one month prior to the State Convention.
SECTION 1. County Nominating Convention Notification
The County Party Nominating Convention shall be held in each even-numbered year on the date and in the place prescribed by the County Party Executive Committee who shall issue a formal written Convention Call by postal mail to all County and State Delegates, and to such other Democrats as may seem appropriate by postal mail or e-mail. Notice of time and place and applicable procedures and qualifications for elections shall conform to the requirements set forth in Article One, Sections 2. and 3., herein.
SECTION 2. County Nominating Convention Function
This Convention shall choose nominees of the County Party for County-wide offices. All County Party candidates who have filed for County office shall be presented to the Convention prior to any voting, and time shall be provided for short speeches by each candidate and one other person in support of each candidate. If there are no County offices contested within the Party, all Democratic candidates who have duly filed for such offices shall then be presented to the Convention as the official Democratic Party candidates for the general election.
SECTION 3. Voting Procedures for Contested Offices
Voting and the announcement of the voting shall be as follows: All County Delegates shall vote in elections contested within the Party for at-large County Council seats, but for such contested elections within Council districts, only Delegates from such districts may vote. Each voting Delegate shall obtain a ballot from a member of the Rules and Elections Committee. Consonant with the ideal of a free and open society, and since Delegates represent constituencies, there shall be no secret balloting. Delegates shall mark and sign their ballots which shall then be transmitted to the members of the Rules and Elections Committee for tabulation. Following tabulation all ballots shall be available for inspection for forty-eight hours. The results of the ballot shall be determined as follows:
SECTION 4. Possible Result of Initial Ballot
If on the initial ballot a candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast at the Convention, that candidate shall become the Party’s nominee in the general election without the necessity of standing for election in the primary election, or,
SECTION 5. Procedures for Possible Multiple Ballots
If there were more than two candidates seeking the Party’s nomination and no candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast at the Convention the Convention shall use multiple ballots. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be placed on a second ballot.
If one candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast in this ballot, that candidate shall become the Party’s nominee in the general election without the necessity of standing for election in the primary election; or, if no candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast, or there were only two candidates on the initial ballot in which no candidate received sixty percent or more of the vote, but one candidate receives at least fifty-seven percent of the votes cast, there shall be a final ballot listing the same two candidates. If on the final ballot one candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast at the convention, that candidate shall become the Party’s nominee in the general election without the necessity of standing for election in the primary election; or, if no candidate receives sixty percent or more of the votes cast both candidates shall be declared the Party’s nominees to stand for election at the next Primary Election. The final ballot may be waived by the Party Chair upon the receipt of written signed requests by both candidates seeking the nomination.
SECTION 6. County Nominating Convention – State Delegate Selection
The Nominating Convention shall choose Delegates to the State Conventions. These Delegates shall be chosen by direct open nomination from the Convention floor. Any registered Democrat in attendance at the Convention may nominate any other registered Democrat, and each of these nominations, when seconded by another registered Democrat, shall be taken on a first come, first served basis until the required number of State Delegates allowed by the State Party has been nominated. This process shall then be followed by the choosing in the same manner of four alternate Delegates. Each nominee’s name shall be written on a suitable presentation board by the County Vice-chair, as nominated, and recorded at the same time independently by two members of the County Party Rules and Elections Committee. The County Chair shall then entertain a motion for election by acclamation of all those nominated. Following this election, those nominated shall be declared State Delegates.
SECTION 7. County Nominating Convention Activities
At the County Nominating Convention there shall be time set aside at the beginning for such patriotic activities as presentation of the National Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, a keynote address, or such other activities as deemed proper by the County Central Committee. Previous to elections and nominations for County offices, there shall be time set aside for presentations and speeches by those running for State or national office.
SECTION 8. State Delegate Responsibilities
All State Delegates must have notified the County Executive Committee or their Precinct Chair of their willingness to attend the State Nominating Convention two weeks prior to said Convention, Such notification shall be in writing. The County Central Committee shall mail a form one month prior to the State Convention to every State Delegate which the Delegate may return with this notification.
SECTION 9. Delegate Vacancies
A meeting of the Central Committee shall be held sometime during the week prior to the State Convention for the purpose of filling any vacancies in the various offices of delegate, as detailed in Article Five, Section 4. and Article Three, Section 4., herein.
SECTION 10. State Delegate Responsibilities
State Delegates are expected to keep themselves informed as to the qualifications of all Democratic State or National candidates, and attend the State Conventions and vote in all appropriate contests. State Delegates may be replaced for their entire elected term if they unjustifiably fail to attend a State Convention.
SECTION 1. Committee Quorum Rules
A quorum shall consist, unless otherwise provided, of fifty percent of the committee in question plus one presiding officer. If no presiding officer is available, the committee may, with the Chair’s permission, appoint a chair pro tem. Standing and Temporary Committees may modify the quorum rule with permission of the Central Committee or County Chair.
SECTION 2. Rules and Elections Committee
The Rules and Elections Committee shall be chaired by the County Vice-chair and shall consist of up to ten members including the County Parliamentarian as a voting member. This Committee shall study, research, and make recommendations for rules and rule changes for the conduct of meetings, conventions, elections, and other official activities of the Party. These recommendations shall be presented to the County Central Committee which shall study them and then either reject them or legislate them into force either as presented or as modified as a result of their own study and research. Following research and study the Rules and Elections Committee may also make recommendations for the amendment of this Constitution, and may also report on recommendations made by others.
This Committee shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with election rules and shall study and make recommendations to the Central Committee concerning complaints of election irregularities and procedural or substantive violations of rules. Such complaints must be made to the Rules and Elections Committee within forty-eight hours of the alleged incident. The Central Committee shall then rule on the complaint by a simple majority vote. For purposes of such rulings fifty-one percent of the Central Committee shall be a quorum. If the quorum fails the Executive Committee shall rule. In every even-numbered year two weeks prior to the Caucuses this Committee shall hold a meeting for all incumbent Precinct Chairs and other Precinct officers to educate them on rules and procedures for the Caucuses.
SECTION 3. Financial and Fund Raising Committee
The Financial and Fund Raising Committee shall be chaired by the County Party Treasurer. This Committee shall be responsible for developing funds and in-kind gifts for the County Party from businesses, PAC’s and private individuals and for planning and holding fundraising events throughout the year. At the start of each year they shall, together with the Treasurer, formulate a projected budget for the ensuing year, and shall assist the treasurer in tracking income and expenditures relative to the budget, and shall be prepared to make necessary adjustments to the budget if necessary. This Committee shall hold at least two fund raising activities per year and shall make appropriate reports to the Central Committee following each activity.
SECTION 4. Candidate Recruitment and Campaign Coordinating Committee
The Candidate Recruitment and Campaign Coordinating Committee shall be responsible for recruiting candidates for County and State elected offices in a timely manner and for facilitating and coordinating County-wide campaigns. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the functioning of campaign committees for various candidates, for the purpose of this County Committee shall be to avoid, where appropriate, duplication of efforts and to schedule events to avoid conflicts. This Committee shall oversee any debates between Democrats of any level held inside county boundaries. When such debates occur the County Parliamentarian shall chair.
SECTION 5. Membership and Credentials Committee
The Membership and Credentials Committee shall assist the County Secretary in maintaining all appropriate membership lists, and shall determine the credentials of Delegates to the County Conventions.
SECTION 1. Description of Temporary Committees
Temporary committees may be called into being at the behest of the Central Committee or by the Central Committee acting on a recommendation of the Executive Committee. These committees would be created to deal with temporary problems, to do studies or research, or as an experiment towards making them standing committees. A temporary committee previously created and having met and reported at least once could be made a Standing Committee by a simple majority vote of the Central Committee. The temporary committees would be chaired by a person appointed by the County Chair with the advice and consent of the Central Committee and would consist of a Chair, Vice-chair, and up to twelve members. They would exist at the sufferance of the Central Committee and would carry out such duties and make such reports as their commission from the Central Committee demanded.
Examples of temporary committees might be: Constitution Committee, Platform Committee, Public Relations Committee, and Education, Training, and Outreach Committee
SECTION 2. Constitution Committee
The Central Committee has called into being a temporary Constitution Committee and has charged it with the duty of formulating and completing this document. This Committee shall cease to exist upon ratification of this document in its final form. It may, however, be reconvened by the Central Committee as required to effect changes, or as provided for in Article Ten.
SECTION 3. Platform Committee
The Platform Committee could produce a County Platform upon which County Party and elected officials could run. This platform would be composed of such general principles as all Democrats stand for as differentiated from Republicans or other parties. Nothing in this commission would be construed as to give them power to compel candidates to stand upon issues over which good Democrats can disagree. This Committee would make its recommendations to the Central Committee no later that March 1st of every year. The Platform would only exist upon acceptance, with suitable modifications, by the Central Committee.
SECTION 4. Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee would be responsible for producing County Party literature and news releases, and securing newspaper, radio, and television space. It would also provide post-primary assistance to all County candidates in copy writing, layout, and other presentational skills.
SECTION 5 . Education, Training, and Outreach Committee
The Education, Training, and Outreach Committee would be responsible for the creation and implementation of comprehensive education and training programs. It would be responsible for assisting the Young Democrats and/or College Democrats in the organization and maintenance of
Democratic Party Clubs in local schools and colleges.
Unless otherwise provided for above, amendments shall be proposed at one meeting of the Central Committee and acted upon at the next. Amendments to this Constitution and By-laws shall require a two-thirds vote of the Central Committee. A text of a passed amendment shall be provided to every member of the Central Committee. A copy of the amended Constitution shall be published yearly, and provided to the Central Committee.
This Constitution shall become binding upon ratification by a two-thirds majority vote of those present when voted upon by the Central Committee and upon approval by the Utah State Democratic Party.
Other Democratic Party Bylaws
Rudi Kohler
275 Pole Drive, Heber City, UT 84032
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